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Speak Like a CEO

Author: Suzanne Bates

An award-winning news anchor presents methods for better communication in any business environment

During her 20 years in broadcasting, award-winning news anchor Suzanne Bates conducted more than 10,000 interviews, during which she witnessed business leaders, politicians, and celebrities at their best and worst. Now a top CEO communication coach, Bates is renowned for her uncanny ability to transform even the shyest oratorical mouse into a public-speaking lion. In Speak Like a CEO, Bates:

* Reveals the secrets for communicating in any situation
* Describes simple techniques for acing speeches, presentations, media interviews, Q&A sessions, business meetings, and more
* Outlines self-improvement plans that can easily be customized to your needs
* Shares secrets from top leaders, including Mario Cuomo's technique for overcoming stage fright and Colin Powell's secret for projecting authenticity

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