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The 24 Sales Traps and How to Avoid Them

Author: Dick Canada

There's nothing easier, more natural--or more dangerous--than to latch on to wrong information. Salespeople do it all the time, as they mistakenly build their sales philosophies on foundations of half-truths and falsehoods, such as "you must be aggressive to succeed in sales" or "lower your price to close the sale."

The 24 Sales Traps and How to Avoid Them debunks sales truisms like these. Based on field-tested and scientifically validated research, the book replaces conventional wisdom with hard facts and an updated approach. For example:

* "If you generate sales activity, you'll be successful." Sales managers preach this as gospel, but the research uncovered here shows that it only applies to small, transactional sales, not large, consultative sales.

* "The Internet has changed selling." Not so, readers learn. The Internet has shifted traditional direct marketing to the virtual channel, but not selling.

* "Handling objections helps you meet the prospect's needs." True, but: research shows that the fewer the objections, the more likely the sale will take place.

The 24 Sales Traps and How to Avoid Them will appeal to both sales managers and reps searching for a fresh infusion of real-life advice on how to achieve better sales.

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